The DeepINTEL conference addresses the strategic aspects of security. Here you can discuss security intelligence related topics without the fear for eavesdropping. DeepINTEL is private, and all participants have been screened. No media will be present. Security intelligence is any information, which enables you to choose better strategies for defending our information infrastructure. Attending DeepINTEL will expand your mind while reducing the risks for your infrastructure.
We invite you to attend DeepINTEL and secure your digital assets by learning from the experts.
For information about the location and the date of the DeepINTEL event, please take a look at the DeepINTEL web site.
DeepINTEL Event
The DeepINTEL conference is our Summer event focusing on Security Intelligence. Security Intelligence is one the newest disciplines in the IT security zoo. It covers the strategic view, tells you who is intending to attack you where, why and which capabilities your attacker has. Security intelligence is using several different approaches: algorithmic and statistical analysis, infiltration of adversaries, data correlation, meta analysis and related techniques.
Due to the sensitive topics and the nature of the participants and speakers we will have a vetting process for participants. We’d like to know our audience, so that we all can talk freely and openly during the event. If you have questions on this, please contact us directly. The DeepINTEL registration is online as well.
- arrival on a Sunday, two day conference, departure on Wednesday (prolonging you stay is possible on you own account).
- Limited number of tickets for participants.
- Limited entrance for participants through a vetting process resp. on invitation or recommendation.
- Single track, 50 minute slots (45 + 5 Q/A).
- Speaker benefits include accommodation at the hotel (3 nights) and travel expenses (we will cap it to a maximum, just like we do at DeepSec; if you have questions, talk to us).