Please find details for all talks here
Two Days of Trainings (15./16. November)
Workshop 1 | Workshop 2 | Workshop 3 | Workshop 4 | Workshop 5 |
Social Engineering for IT Security Professionals Sharon Conheady and Martin Law (First Defence Information Security Ltd) |
Web Hacking - Attacks, Exploits and Defense (Training) Shreeraj Shah & Vimal Patel (Blueinfy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) |
360 Degree Security Management using BMIS Rolf von Roessing (Forfa AG Holding / ISACA / BCI) |
SAP SECURITY IN-DEPTH Juan Pablo Perez Etchegoyen (Onapsis) |
Hacking IPv6 networks Fernando Gont (SI6 Networks) |
Workshop 6 | Workshop 7 | Workshop 8 |
The Art of Exploiting Injection Flaws Sumit Siddharth (7safe) |
Attacks on GSM Networks Dieter Spaar & Harald Welte (Independent Researcher & HMW-Consulting) |
T.B.A. |
All Trainings cover two days (from 09:30 to 18:30 every day) and include Lunch and two Coffee Breaks.
Two Days of Conference (17./18. November)
Throughout the conference you will get the opportunity of meeting experts at the Hacker's Lounge to discuss security issues and see demonstrations.
Conference, day 1 - Thu, 17 Nov
Conference, day 2 - Fri, 18 Nov
Left Pirouette | Right Pirouette | |
09:00 | Identity X.0 - Securing the Insecure Khash Kiani (ThinkSec) |
US experience - laws, compliance and real life - when everything seems right but does not work Mikhail Utin (Rubos, Inc.) |
09:50 | Advances in IDS and Suricata Matt Jonkman & Victor Julien (Open Information Security Foundation) |
How To Rob An Online Bank And Get Away With It Mitja Kolsek (ACROS Security (ACROS d.o.o.)) |
10:40 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 | Ground BeEF: Cutting, devouring and digesting the legs off a browser Michele Orru (Royal Bank of Scotland) |
Results of a Security Assessment of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Fernando Gont (project carried out on behalf of UK Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)) |
11:50 | Why the software we use is designed to violate our privacy Christopher Soghoian (Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Indiana University) |
Your crown jewels online: Further Attacks to SAP Web Applications Mariano Nunez Di Croce (Onapsis) |
12:40 | Lunch | |
14:00 | Bond Tech - I Want More Than Movie Props Kizz MyAnthia (Rapid7) |
Do They Deliver - Practical Security and Load Testing of Cloud Service Providers Matthias Luft (ERNW GmbH) |
14:50 | An online game trojan framework from China underground market Hermes Li (Websense) |
Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape Ertunga Arsal (ESNC GmbH) |
15:40 | Coffee Break | |
16:00 | Malware Trends 2011 - from Cybercrime to nation-sponsored Espionage Toralv Dirro (McAfee GmbH) |
Patching vehicle insecurity Constantinos Patsakis, Kleanthis Dellios (Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus) |
16:50 | Solving Social Engineering Attacks Toby Foster (University of York/First Defence Information Security) |
Alerting, Reminding, Reminding, Reminding and Releasing Vulnerability Thomas Mackenzie (Trustwave Spiderlabs) |
17:40 | Closing Ceremony | |
20:00 - ∞ | Party & Networking at Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Wien |